ASL 120: Business 2
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E A S Y P R O J E C T(tm)
Version 4.05
A Project Management and Tracking System
for the I.B.M. and Compatible Personal Computers
(c)Copyright 1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992 Parcell Software
All Rights Reserved
Parcell Software
P.O. Box 165
Geneva, Il 60134
(c)Copyright 1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992 Parcell Software
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Printed in the United States of America
Parcell Software
P.O. Box 165
Geneva, Il 60134 U.S.A.
Voice: (708) 232-6328 (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time)
BBS/FAX: (708) 232-6339 Feel free to use for technical support
CompuServe: 72250,1356
Technical Support: (900) 884-3578 (8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time)
$2.00 per minute, first 18 seconds are free
Easy Project is a trademark of Parcell Software
I.B.M. is a registered trademark of the I.B.M Corporation.
dBASE is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate, Inc.
License Agreement
Easy Project is a Shareware program. It is not free.
Easy Project is copyrighted software owned by Parcell Software. Continued use requires a
registration fee of $59.00. Registration covers use on one PC only. Multiple copies of Easy Project
must be purchased for use on multiple PC's. Quantity discounts and site licenses are available.
All licensed users receive:
∙ Latest version of Easy Project with Shareware screen disabled
∙ User Manual
∙ Notification of updates
∙ Special BBS access
You are encouraged to copy and share this program with other users. When sharing this program,
all files and documentation must be distributed without any alteration. No fee can be charged for
any copying or distribution except for a nominal fee to defray expenses. Please consult the
VENDOR.DOC file for vendor distribution requirements.
Hardware Requirements
I.B.M. PC/XT/AT/PS2 or 100% Compatible with at least 512K RAM and any type monitor. A hard
disk is strongly recommended.
E A S Y P R O J E C T (tm)
Easy Project is a tool to assist anyone who manages projects.
Easy Project encourages the manager to define a project into a
series of phases and tasks. Easy Project facilitates the
planning, scheduling and tracking of all types of projects. The
manager plans the activities or tasks in a top/down outline
fashion. The Gantt chart displays the project graphically by
using time bars which span the time period of each task. The
extensive reporting module helps document the status of the
Easy Project features:
∙ The ability to create projects with 2000 tasks
∙ Gantt charts detailing planned vs. actual progress
∙ Automatic scheduling
∙ Extensive reporting
∙ Context sensitive HELP
∙ dBASE file compatibility
A sample project is provided to assist in using Easy Project.
Use the project number of 'EASY' (all caps) to access the sample
project data.
System Software Requirements
For the purpose of this documentation, it is assumed the user has
a working knowledge of the DOS operating system. The user should
be able to copy and backup files, create directories and edit
text files. Please consult your DOS manual with questions
regarding any of those functions.
CONFIG.SYS File (A sample is included)
A CONFIG.SYS file must be in the root directory of your hard
disk or on your DOS system floppy. This file must contain
the following two records:
FILES = 30
These values are minimum values. Consult your DOS manual for
further information regarding the CONFIG.SYS file.
To activate any changes made to the CONFIG.SYS file, reboot
the PC!
First Time Installation
Hard Drive
1. Make a backup copy of the Easy Project master disk.
2. Place your backup copy in floppy drive and type:
INSTALL <enter>
This installation procedure will prompt you for the drive
and sub-directory destination for the Easy Project files.
We recommend that Easy Project be installed in its own
directory (i.e. \EP40).
Upgrading From Prior Versions
To upgrade from a 3.X version, follow this procedure:
1. Backup ALL present files
2. Install Easy Project using the above procedure. Be sure
to install the new version in a directory different than
the 3.X version.
3. Start Easy Project and go to the Utilities Menu
4. Choose the Convert 3.X file option
5. Choose Configure System and update accordingly
Starting Easy Project
From the \EP40 (or the directory where you installed the system):
Type EP <enter>
Configuring Easy Project
The first time you execute Easy Project, choose the Utilities
option from the Main Menu. From this menu, choose Configure
System and then Configure Printer and update accordingly.
Keyboard Control
On most Easy Project data entry screens, the cursor is controlled
in the following fashion:
Key Result
<─┘ Proceeds to the next field. When pressed while
the cursor is in the last field of a screen, all
data will be saved.
PgDn Exits the screen saving all changes.
Esc Exits the screen without saving any changes.
Moves cursor to previous field.
Moves cursor to next field.
Moves cursor backward.
Moves cursor forward.
Ctrl End Moves cursor to last field on data entry screen
F2 Displays program license and prints registration
F5 Deletes current record while in Resource or Task
Parameter screens.
F8 Edits a task from the Gantt display.
F9 Scrolls Gantt chart into the past.
F10 Scrolls Gantt chart into the future.
Need HELP?
At any time, on-line help is available by pressing "F1". Easy
Project will recognize what field or menu the request came from,
and then display the appropriate text. Three fields will provide
additional HELP when the F1 key is pressed:
Project Number: Lists all active projects on file.
Task Number: Lists all tasks for a particular project.
Resource: Lists all resources for a particular project.
Main Menu
The Main Menu permits access to your projects. The desired
function can be chosen using two methods:
1. Use the left or right arrow key to highlight the desired
option and then press the <Enter> key
2. Press the capitalized letter of the desired choice (i.e.
T=Task, O=repOrt)
The components of the Main Menu are:
Create project numbers, project descriptions,
phase descriptions and define holidays
Maintain resource data
Maintain task data
Edit tasks in a spreadsheet fashion
Automatically schedule work plans
Produce Gantt charts detailing planned vs. actual
project progress
Generate reports including work plans, status
reports and project summary reports
Configure system and provides utility project
Shell to DOS
Quit Easy Project
Using Easy Project - A Fast Start
Easy Project is designed for quick project creation. After
spending a short time entering project data, Gantt charts and
reports can be produced.
Follow this procedure when creating a new project:
1. Choose 'Project' from the Main Menu and enter a project
number, descriptions, phase descriptions and project
2. Choose 'Resource' from the Main Menu and enter resource
data for the project. Resources will be identified by
assigning them a unique code.
3. Choose 'Task' from the Main Menu to enter and maintain
tasks for the project. (See Notes On Entering Tasks)
4. To have Easy Project calculate a project schedule,
choose 'Schedule' from the Main Menu. (See Notes on
Automatic Scheduling)
5. At this point, Gantt charts and reports may be produced.
NOTE: A sample project has already been established. Use the
project number of 'EASY' (all caps) to view this project.
Maintaining an Existing Project
When initially starting the system, no project will be active.
To activate or retrieve a project, you will be prompted for the
project number the first time you try any Main Menu function. To
change projects, go to the 'Project' screen or any report screen.
F1 Key
Remember to make use of Easy Project's context sensitive HELP
screens. The F1 key can be pressed while in any part of the
system to provide quick support.
Project Parameters
Easy Project has the ability to store data from several different
projects at one time. Each of those projects may have different
base parameters.
Before entering task or resource data for a particular project,
certain parameters or criteria must be defined on the Project
Parameter screen.
Project Number
Every project must have its own unique project number. This
number is used to tell the system what project should be
retrieved. This number can be composed of any combination
of characters or numbers (5 character maximum).
The project number field is case sensitive - meaning it is
important to enter upper and lower case characters exactly
as previously entered.
NOTE: Pressing the F1 key while on the project number field
will provide a list of all active projects.
Project Name
Use this field for the name of the project. This
description will appear on all screens and reports.
Project Description
To further describe a project, use these fields. The data
entered here will print on all reports.
Phase Descriptions
For most projects, it is better to divide the project into
smaller, more manageable phases. Sample phases are:
1. Dig foundation
2. Framing
3. Install plumbing
4. Install electrical
Easy Project permits 20 different phases to be defined for
one particular project. The descriptions entered here will
appear on project summary reports.
Non-Schedule Days
Twelve different dates may be entered as non-schedule days.
These dates will be skipped by the system in scheduling.
This will be useful in scheduling holidays and vacations.
If Saturday and Sunday are to be skipped when scheduling,
enter a 'N'.
If weekends are to be included in scheduling, enter a 'Y'.
Schedule Networks/Phases Parallel?
If phases or networks are to be scheduled in parallel
(concurrently), enter a 'Y'. If used, all phases will begin
on the project start date.
Project Start Date
Enter the start date of the project.
Project Narrative
While using the Project Parameter Screen, pressing F3 will
pop up a text editor. This text editor can be used to write
a project narrative or for any other purpose. Pressing the
F4 key will send the text to an ASCII disk file called
PROJECT.TXT. This file can be imported into a word
processing program. Pressing the F6 key will print the
Resource Maintenance
Before tasks can be entered, resource information must be
established. Resources may consist of staff (employees,
consultants, sub-contractors, etc.) or fixed type (materials,
capital expenses, etc.).
Each resource must be assigned a unique identifier. This
identifier could be a name, initials or an account code.
The identifier can be up to 6 characters and is
This field is also case sensitive - meaning it is important
to enter upper and lower case characters exactly as needed.
NOTE: Pressing the F1 key while on the Resource Code field,
will display a list all resources assigned to this project.
Enter the full name or description of the resource.
The charge rate for the resource. If a 'Fixed' type, enter
the total expense amount. (optional)
Choose either Hourly, Daily, or Fixed. A Fixed type could
be used for one time capital expenses.
Dept (Department)
Enter a department code for the resource. This code
may be up to 3 characters and is alphanumeric.
NOTE: This is an optional entry but is needed to produce
departmentalized reports.
Use to identify how many hours this resource works in one
day. (not needed for Fixed types)
Example: 8 = 8 hours/day
4 = 4 hours/day (part time)
An optional entry to further describe the resource.
Example: EMP = Employee
CON = Consultant
An optional entry to be used for any purpose.
Task Parameters
Task definition is the heart of project management. Before
sitting down and entering task data, plan what logical order your
tasks will follow and if possible, divide your project into
phases. Once your data has been entered, refinement and
maintenance is easy.
Enter a two digit phase number plus four digit task number
for this task. Refer to 'Notes on Entering Tasks' for
creating task numbers.
Each task can consist of numerous subordinate tasks or
items. Enter an item number (01-99) in this field.
Large projects may have different phases running
concurrently. Use this to designate which network or node
this task belongs to. For most projects, use the phase
number. (The default value is the phase number)
Use this field to define task dependencies. This is composed
of the Phase+Task+Item number of the succeeding task. If
the succeeding task can run concurrently, just let use the
default value.
Enter the description for this task. This description will
appear on all reports and Gantt charts.
Milestones reflect major project accomplishments. If this
task is considered a milestone in the project, enter a 'Y'.
Enter the code for the resource assigned to this task. A
maximum of four different resources may be assigned to a one
task. All resources must be set up prior by entering data
on the Resource screen. Pressing the F1 key here will list
all valid resources.
Est. Time (Estimated Time)
Enter the estimated time (hours or days) needed to complete
this task. If the resource type was 'Fixed', enter '1'
Time To-Date
Enter the actual time (hours or days) spent thus far working
on this task.
New Est (New Estimate)
As the project progresses, enter the revised estimated time
to complete this task. If the task is on schedule, this
field need not be modified.
Planned Start/Stop
Enter the original or planned start and stop date for this
task. This is the date that reflects what was intended for
the task and should not be modified during the project.
Actual Start/Stop
Enter the actual or projected start and stop date for this
task. This date should reflect what date the task will end
in reality.
Fixed Date
Enter a 'Y' if the dates associated with this task should
not be changed for any reason. This is useful for vacation
use or for meetings with set dates.
This will designate the status for this task. When
completed, use a 'C'. Other uses could be 'A' for active or
'I' for in-progress.
To be used for any purpose necessary.
Entering Tasks
Every task number consists of the following elements:
Task Number - 2 character phase number (01-20) plus
4 character task number (user defined)
Item Number - 2 characters, user defined (optional)
Successor - 8 characters, made up of (Phase + Task +
Remember, most reports are produced in task number order.
Using sequential task numbers such as 0001, 0002, etc.
within each phase is recommended.
'Item' is designated for use as a subordinate task. This is
an optional entry but is useful in breaking down a large
main task. Again, it's useful to use sequential item
numbers within each task number.
Sample Task Numbers
Task Field = 01-0001
Item Field = 01
Successor = 01-0001-02
Example: This task belongs to Phase 1, Task equals 0001 and
this is the first item for task 0001. Task/Item 01-0001-02
cannot start until this task is complete. 01-0001-02 is
placed in the 'Successor' field.
Task Field = 01-0003
Item Field = <blank>
Successor = 01-0003
Example: This task belongs to Phase 1, Task equals 0003 and
there are no subordinate items. No other task is dependent
upon this task so the 'Successor' field defaults to itself.
Assigning Successors
If a task cannot begin until the previous task is complete,
enter the task number of the successor in the 'Successor'
field of the current task.
Example: A phase has 4 tasks, 0001 through 0004. Every
task is dependent upon the previous task. The tasks should
be established as follows:
Task Successor
01-0001 01-0002
01-0002 01-0003
01-0003 01-0004
01-0004 01-0004
If tasks can run concurrent with each other, set up the
tasks in this manner:
Task Successor
01-0001 01-0002
01-0002 01-0002 --
01-0003 01-0003 | Concurrent
01-0004 01-0005 -- Tasks
01-0005 01-0005
In this example, tasks 0002, 0003 and 0004 all we be
scheduled at the same time after task 0001 is completed.
Task 0005 will be scheduled after task 0004 is completed.
When scheduling in this fashion, task 0004 should be the
task with the longest duration of all the concurrent tasks.
Automatic Schedule Maintenance
If a planned start or stop date is changed, for an existing
task, the automatic scheduler will be invoked (based on the
parameter setting in System Configuration) adjusting both
planned and actual start and stop dates for all succeeding
tasks. You will have the ability to override the proposed
dates. Likewise, if a current start or stop date is changed,
the automatic scheduler will be invoked to adjust current
dates only.
Marking Tasks Complete
For the purpose of the Project Status Report and the Gantt
chart, a status of 'C' denotes that a task is complete. For
other purposes, any other code may be used.
The Browse function provides a facility to edit tasks in a
spreadsheet type format. All the fields that appear on the Task
Parameter screen are found on the Browse screen.
Use the arrow keys to move around the screen. To change a field,
move to the field and press the <Enter> key. This will activate
the field and any change can be made.
The PgDn and PgUp keys will advance the screen one page at a
To delete a task, press the <Del> or <Delete> key. An asterisk
(*) will appear at the beginning of the task number to denote it
has been deleted. When records have been deleted, a 'Rebuild'
will be conducted to maintain the integrity of all related files.
New records can not be added using the Browse screen. All new
tasks must be added using the Task Parameter screen.Automatic Schedule Generation
Easy Project will automatically calculate task start and stop
dates based on the estimated time assigned to each task.
To calculate dates, first choose 'Schedule' from the Main Menu.
Next, enter the project number followed by the project start
date. The project start date should be the date the schedule may
There are two other options listed in the Schedule window:
∙ If only the project critical path needs calculating and a
project schedule is not needed, enter a 'Y' for the 'Calc
Critical Path Only' option.
∙ If the project is composed of phases running
concurrently, enter a 'Y' for this option. This will cause
each phase to be scheduled using the project start date.
Schedule Screen Display
As the schedule generates, each task and the newly calculated
dates are displayed. After the screen fills, you have the
ability to change or override the calculated date. Pressing
<ESC> aborts the update process and the records will not be
Use the <ENTER> key to advance the cursor. The <PgDn> key will
accept all dates and advance to the next screen.
Notes on Scheduling
1. In the case of tasks which have more than one resource
assigned to it, the resource taking the greatest amount of
estimated time will be used in calculating the schedule.
2. Any task which has a Fixed type resource will be ignored
for scheduling purposes.
3. On the Resource Parameter screen, the Usage field should
reflect the total number of hours the resource works in one
day. Use this for both hourly and daily type resources.
4. Weekends will be taken into consideration when
calculating the schedule based on the option chosen from the
Project Parameter screen.
5. If a task was set up with the Fixed Date option set, the
fixed date will be used instead of the calculated date.
Gantt Chart
Easy Project's Gantt charts are designed to give a graphic
display of a projects planned vs. actual progress.
Two different types of charts may be produced:
1. A chart displaying tasks for one particular phase in
task number order.
2. A chart displaying the entire project with tasks grouped
by dependencies.
NOTE: In order for a task to be displayed, it must have a
Planned Start Date and Planned Stop Date.
Format Options
The format of the Gantt chart can be altered in several
ways. Options exist for displaying or not displaying
resource, status and critical path codes. Also, either the
full task description or truncated descriptions with task
numbers can be chosen. All options are set from the System
Configuration screen from the Utilities Menu.
Scale Options
Flexible Gantt scales can be chosen to insure the most
complete view of a project. Each symbol on the chart can
represent from 1 to 6 days or 1 to 6 weeks. For projects of
short duration, a scale in days is probably more
Output Options
Easy Project offers three output options for producing
Gantt charts:
1. (D)isplay - The chart will be displayed on your
2. (P)rint - The chart will be routed to your printer.
By printing in a compressed format, a longer view will
be produced.
3. (F)ile - The chart will be written to a disk file
using the default file name of GANTT.PRN. This is an
ASCII text file that may be printed through DOS or
another printing utility. By using either a wide
carriage printer or a sideways printing utility, an
even longer view may be produced using this option.
Gantt Chart Symbols
≡ Planned Date
▀ Actual Date
* Completed Task
M Milestone
CRIT! Critical Task
Task has start date prior to beginning of scale
+ Task has multiple resource assignments
Use of the F8 Key
The up and down arrow keys will move the highlight bar to
each task displayed. To edit a task, press the F8 key.
Pressing F8 will display the Task Parameter screen for the
task. To return to the Gantt chart, just press the <ESC>
Easy Project has an extensive reporting module. Many helpful
reports may be instantly displayed, printed or written to a disk
file. Most reports will print in a compressed format - thus
giving more detail than when displayed.
If the 'File' output option is chosen, the report will be written
to a disk file in an ASCII format. This file can be imported
into almost any word processor for further editing and printing.
A plus sign next to a resource code indicates the task has
multiple resource assignments. Check the Appendix for samples of
all reports.
Work Plan By Task
Produces a detailed work plan or schedule for a particular
phase in task number order. [prints compressed]
Work Plan By Resource
Produces a detailed work plan or schedule for the entire
project by resource assignment. [prints compressed]
Work Plan Project Summary
Summarizes all phases of a project plan giving a concise
Work Plan Resource Summary
A departmentalized resource summary for a particular phase
or the entire project.
Project Status Report - Plan vs. Actual
A status report for the entire project detailing cost and
schedule variances. [prints compressed]
Project Status Summary - Actual
Summarizes all project phases showing actual costs and
current schedule dates. [prints compressed]
Project Resource Summary - Actual
Produces departmental break down of actual costs by
individual resource.
Earned Value Report
A report detailing project cost accruals. [prints
Resource List
A detailed list of all resources assigned to a particular
Work Plan - All Projects
A detailed resource schedule using all active projects.
This report will be helpful in identifying resource
scheduling conflicts. [prints compressed]
Formatted Task List
Produces a formatted screen print of the Task Parameter
The Utility Menu consists of functions that are used for
configuration, file conversions and file maintenance.
With any application, it is a good practice to backup all Easy
Project files on a regular basis. This will help in recovering
from any potential accidents or disasters.
Reindex All Files
Easy Project uses index files (.NTX) which permit fast data
retrieval. These index files are not compatible with dBASE
.NDX files. All files with the extension of .NTX should
never be deleted or altered. If file integrity is ever in
question, choose this option.
Delete (Pack) Marked Records
When task or resource data is deleted using the 'F5' key,
the records are marked for deletion but physically remain on
file. These records are unavailable for normal use. This
delete option will physically delete all marked records.
Once this option is exercised, the marked records can no
longer be recovered.
Undelete (Recall) Records
This option will find all records that have been marked for
deletion (but not yet packed), and recall them again for
NOTE: This option will recall all records from all projects
from all files regardless of project number. Use this
option with caution.
Delete Project
This function will delete all tasks, resources and related
records for a project.
To use, first enter the project number to delete. Next, you
will be prompted to verify the project number. Answering
'N' will bypass any deletions. If verified, records are
then marked for deletion.
Copy or Clone Project
A new project may have many of the same characteristics as
an established project. This copy option will copy a
current project and duplicate all tasks and resources using
a new project number. The old project remains intact
without any changes.
Copy or Clone Resources
This option will copy resources from one project and
duplicate them using a new project number. The old project
remains intact without changes.
Rebuild Files
Easy Project database files (.DBF) are dBASE compatible and
can be used by many other applications. Exporting files to
other software packages may provide useful for additional
reporting or analysis.
If files are updated outside of Easy Project, they must be
rebuilt. This function will automatically rebuild index
files and all necessary data relations.
NOTE: Exercise caution when updating Easy Project files
from outside applications. Be sure to have recent backups
of all files as a safeguard.
Backup Files
On a regular and consistent basis, backups should be made of
Easy Project files. This option will perform a DOS BACKUP
of all Easy Project files. If using a two floppy system,
use drive A as the target or destination drive.
Restore Files
To restore files from a backup floppy, enter the source and
target designations.
If files are restored from a backup, be sure to use the
'Rebuild' option to maintain file integrity.
Configure System
This option sets the proper type of monitor for your system,
the proper destination for printer output, Gantt chart
display option and automatic scheduling options. Also,
different date formats may be chosen as well as Gantt chart
and report formats.
Configure Printer
Easy Project supports many printers. Find the number that
corresponds to your printer and enter the number at the
prompt. If your printer is not listed, try either the
I.B.M. Graphics or an Epson printer. If you are having
unsatisfactory results with reports or the Gantt chart,
please contact Parcell Software for assistance.
Convert Version 3.X Files
Choose this option when upgrading from a 3.X version of Easy
Project. Follow the instructions from the beginning of this
Easy Project is a dynamic system that is constantly being
enhanced. Your suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.
Our users are our greatest source of new ideas.
Thank you for adding Easy Project to your software library.
∙ Shareware Distribution
Parcell Software believes Shareware distribution constitutes a
viable, low cost alternative to many commercial programs.
Shareware's greatest strength lies in the ability to try software
before purchasing it. We also believe that Shareware is maturing
as a distribution method and that its quality and functionality
is improving at a rapid rate. This could only happen because
users, hopefully like yourself, are supporting Shareware products
by remitting their registrations.
We hope our product continues to be a productive element of your
system and we urge you to consider other Shareware products when
you decide to add software to your system.
Parcell Software is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). The ASP has established stringent standards
for its memberm. The ASP wants to insure the Shareware principle
works for you. if you are unable to resolve a problem with an
ASP member (other than technical support), the ASP may be able
to help. Please write the ASP Ombudsman at:
545 Grover Road
Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
CompuServe ID: 70007,3536
┌─────┴───┐ │ (tm)
──│ │o │─────────────────
│ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
│ │ │─┘ Shareware
└───│ o │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │───────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER